Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Hard Day's Night

Saturday night is my final shift of the week. I'm a nurse and I work three 12 hour shifts every Thursday through Saturday; which makes Sunday my comedown day. The plan is that I sleep until 3:00pm, veg on the couch until I've consumed a pot of coffee and try really hard not to gripe at my family. In other words, Sundays are the suck.

However, Sundays make the rest of my week possible and the rest of the week usually rocks. I love spending the week home with my kids. I love knowing that Tuesday is the day I change all the sheets and that I will be the one making the after school snacks every day. I love eating breakfast with the kids and having dinner together every evening. Yes, my weeks pretty much rock.

So I continue to endure the suck that is Sunday, because the rewards throughout the week more than make up for the mental fog that I'm in now.