Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby's Got Sauce

Elijah has more refined taste in music than I. He enjoys listening to actual musicians, while I'll take almost anything a big label throws at me. Because of this, we don't always agree on what we should listen to together.

However, almost thirteen years ago, we found some common ground when Elijah introduced me to the music of G. Love & Special Sauce. We have a lot of sweet dating memories associated with this band. Many tied to one of their first singles, Baby's Got Sauce.

Neither of us had ever seen Mr. Love in concert though, so when Elijah told me about the show at La Zona Rosa a few weeks back I knew we had to go.

We got a sitter.

Called some friends.

And even lucked out with a meet and greet.

We were young again, and nostalgically in love, for one fantastic night.

 *Note: After posting the above picture to Instagram and Facebook, I got several comments on how great Elijah and I looked together (even from my parents). I then felt obligated to post the following picture so people who knew better didn't think I was trying to pass off G. Love as my husband.

iPhone Photo Phun