Monday, September 27, 2010

Everyday I Write the Book

What an amazing book! This was one of the most beautifully phrased, honest, readable, and relatable books I've ever read. If you have not read it yet, turn off your computer, go get this book, and start reading.

Seriously. Go. Now.

I envy Elizabeth Gilbert's voice. I covet her ability to write a book like this. I was so freaking jealous it was almost painful to read. She has this rare quality where she comes across so clearly on the page, it felt like I was listening to a good friend. This is how I want my writing to be perceived. And, aside from the total collapse of her marriage, this is the book I want to write.

On the surface, it might seem like this story wouldn't be interesting for anyone who isn't keen on taking a year long spiritual journey. But who can't relate to the dream of taking a year off to wander around beautiful places? Who hasn't felt the need to find themselves; spiritually or otherwise? Her story is so relatable, and while I realize why this has been branded a "chic book," I can't see why any one wouldn't be able to see how her search for self and sanity translates to their lives as well. If you only read one of the books I've reviewed or recommended, make this be the one. You will not regret a single page.