Monday, September 13, 2010

Candy Girl

I smoked my last cigarette Saturday night so Elijah bought me a "distract yourself" candy jar.

My forray into smoking cost me $28, a touch of self esteem and 20 or so mosquito bites. The first day off was fine and I don't anticipate another relapse anytime soon. I actually think allowing myself this indulgence was good for me (not in a healthy sort of way, of course). It's just that I'm always so concerned with withholding from myself. Be it food, a break from the kids, or any number of other little indulgences, I rarely allow myself a true break. Smoking was definitely something I did ALL for me. There was no one else I was even considering. So, I knew when it was over, when I had had my fill of "me time." I was even sort of relieved to finish the pack (because you don't just THROW AWAY a half full pack of cigarettes!).

We'll see how the week goes. The kids have been sickly, so that really isn't helping on the stress side of things, but rarely is life without it's complications and stressors. Plus, I now have Blo-Pops to help me cope!