Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We signed up for a family membership at our local Y.M.C.A. a few weeks back. Elijah wanted to join because he missed going to the gym regularly (his gym was a block away from our house), while I needed a place for inclement weather running because when we moved we had to give away my treadmill due to space issues. Anyway, we'd both been pretty anxious to find a gym to join and this way we also get a discount on Asher's camp tuition next summer. Win, win, win!

Although we've been members for a while now, today was the first time I used the gym. Usually, I run with the amazing B.O.B. jogging stroller my wonderfully thoughtful husband bought me for my birthday. However, Amelia screamed pretty much throughout all of Monday morning's run and I think the weather, while perfect for me, has turned a bit too cold for her. I mean, it was 48 degrees this morning! I couldn't in good conscience just wrap her up and head out.

I was nervous. I've never been a big gym rat, preferring instead to run outside or use my own treadmill. I took yoga and step after having Asher to help kickstart the weight loss, but I've never actually enjoyed working out at a gym. After today though, I am sold. Consider me a newly born gym rat.

Did I mention the Y has child watch? That I can have up to two hours of child free exercise time EVERY DAY? It was bliss. Even having to run inside rather than out was worth the 40 minutes of peace and quiet this wonderful place provided for me. It was marvelous. I cannot over emphasize how nice it was to actually be doing something for me, alone. I felt recharged rather than hassled. Now I am totally ready to spend the day catering to my children's every whim.

The Village People certainly knew what they were talking about!