Friday, June 17, 2011

Gut Check

Well since we are in June, already halfway through the year, I thought now might be a good time to look at my New Year's post and see how I was coming along. I'd hate to get stuck in December wondering what I did with the year.

Looking at it now I already see some trouble areas where I need to refocus my energy if I want to count them as "resolved."

1. Running

Jeez. This is looking to be another crack year for this runner girl. I completely missed the Austin Half, and am still searching for race to do this year.

I don't know what it is, but I cannot seem to get myself into a comfortable training schedule. Elijah bought me a top-of-the-line jogging stroller last year but I hate using it. For me, running represents freedom, doing something just for me. Running is about taking time out of being a mom to be Marina. Taking Amelia along for the ride sort of kills the buzz. I've been trying to make it to the gym at least three days a week, but treadmill running was also making me crazy so I starting a few classes. I miss running but at least I'm able to keep active during this dry spell.

I'm hoping to have something better figured out once Amelia is gone two days a week. I think I may have a brilliant plan for my upcoming race training.

2. Reading

I kick ass at this! I've already finished nine NPR recommended/reviewed books. That leaves three left and then I'm free to read whatever trash I so desire. I may stick with the NPR list because there are a ton on it that I'm still hoping to read this year but either way it doesn't matter. It's comforting to know that I will have one of my resolutions completed by year's end.

3. Student Loans

Ugh. Can you say 'new car' or 'family vacation to Florida.' Or try 'girl's only weekend in Hilton Head.' Either way, all those things (plus the fact that I'm still not working much more than two nights a week) are making it a bit difficult to pay anything extra on my student loans. Thankfully, I didn't put a dollar amount on this resolution so I should be able to squeeze in a few extra payments around September and call this a score!

So there you have it. My resolutions revisited. Now, doesn't everyone feel better? I don't actually, but it's nice to know I have six more months to sort them out. Plus, isn't the whole resolution thing supposed to be about doing things to make your life more enjoyable? If I use that as my tool of measurement than I'm right on track for another Happy New Year.