Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pack 'em Up and Ship 'em Out!

Today's post is a list that should help you, my faithful, loyal and lovable readers, get to know me (and my craziness) just a little better.

Normally before taking any trip I make endless lists, both on paper and in my head, of things that need to be packed. I obsess over outfits and personal care needs that I'm terrified of leaving behind although, we've yet to travel to a place where it's impossible to find a toothbrush.

I get it, I'm a bit obsessive when it comes to being prepared for every possible situation on vacation. Unfortunately, for my psyche these are the things that I did not get in time to pack them for today's flight.
  1. Matching shoes for the entire family. As silly as it sounds, Elijah and I have always worn matching shoes (same brand, not color) on our flights and I thought it'd be a neat tradition to carry on with our family trips.
  2. Another bathing suit for me. Everyone else has plenty of suits to rotate I, on the other hand, have not had any time to run this dreaded errand alone and there was no way my mind was going to survive trying on bathing suits with BOTH kids attached.
  3. Cleaning the house. Our home isn't cluttered or messy, except for my room which has clothes strewn all over the place. If someone has found a non 'pulling everything out of the closet, trying on outfits, experimenting with shoes then finally settling on at least 20 options for your 5 day trip,' I'm all ears. No, the house is dirty - like needs vacuuming, dusting and washing dirty. I hate coming home to a dirty house, but I completely ran out of time on this one so...oh well.
Things that I was able to get/do/find...YEAH ME!
  1. I got a pedicure! It was last minute (7:45 last night) but I totally swung it. Phew!
  2. I got Asher's haircut. At least this way his head'll tan evenly instead of being scary white in spots were we to get it cut after vacation.
  3. I found luggage for the kids. It's matching and adorable, although I think I went too young with Asher's and it'll have to be replaced soon. But I wanted the kids to have adorable matching luggage and mission accomplished!
  4. Everyone is pretty much packed with their "airplane outfits" laid out. Elijah did pack his own clothing, but everything else was all me. I just hate to get somewhere and realized I forgot something that we HAVE to go get before we can start our vacation.
I think I did ok. Elijah assured me that I can go shopping for a bathing suit in Florida, but I'm not so sure they are going to have any stores that carry swimsuits, right? We'll see.  There's no time to worry about all the things I may have missed now...we're off!