Friday, February 4, 2011

Angel In the Snow

Today was a snow day!!!

I don't especially enjoy the cold weather, in fact I pretty much hate the idea of being cold. However, Asher has been so disappointed with the idea that our new home won't give him the same opportunities to play in the snow Oklahoma offered, that I was thrilled to learn we had the possibility of a snow day. I even woke Asher up around 2:30 last night to show him that we had finally gotten some snow.

So...against all my normal instincts this is what we did this morning. (You may notice how bizarre Amelia looks, I had to dig through all of Asher's old clothes and put together a hodgepodge outfit because we don't have snow gear for her)

Asher enjoyed throwing snowballs at the house AND Chester.

Amelia insisted on swinging...but quickly decided against it.

Asher begged to jump on the snow covered trampoline. I begrudgingly agreed, but had to drag Amelia in kicking and screaming because she also wanted to jump.