Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Kids Don't Stand a Chance

What can I possibly say about my absence from bloggyland this time? It's not that I've been too busy parenting, cleaning or cooking to write. It's not that I haven't had anything interesting to say. I always have something interesting to say. I'm sorry to say but the truth is I've been sucked into a vortex of epic Vampiric proportions. And by that I mean, of course, that I've started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

This is pretty much routine for me. I've actually come to enjoy missing a few seasons, or even an entire run, of a show and catching up later. It really ads to my dorky mom who's totally clueless about pop culture, rep.

I blame this behavior being deprived of years of teenie-bopper television programs. You name it, I missed it: The Wonder Years, Punky Brewster, Beverly Hills 90210, ER, Party of Five. And those are just the highlights. If it weren't for re-runs I would also be completely clueless about such timeless gems as The Golden Girls and Full House! My parents claimed that they didn't believe in the evil influence of the idiot box, but I think they were just too cheap to pay for cable. The fact that we used to use rabbit ears to pick up old re-runs of Gomer Pyle when my father was a single parent only serves to reinforce that belief.

The consequences of this television withholding is that every so often, I find a "new" show to obsessively catch up on. I waste countless hours, that would be far more productively spent taking care of my family or furthering my career, catching up on the shows that should have shaped my teenage years. I'm immature pop culturally which I still say totally explains my ongoing love affair with VH-1's Top 20 Countdown.

Note: After Season Three Buffy created the offshoot Angel meaning that you may have to wait even longer for more of Miss Marina Star's bloggy goodness.