Monday, February 28, 2011

Mastering the List

This weekend didn't go nearly as smoothly as I had envisioned. According to my plans, we were to have put the final touches on Asher's room; which included adding shelves to the closet, completing his coin tubes, finishing and hanging the bullets, and adding another wall shelf. I expected that would leave us plenty of time to start the beadboard in Amelia's room, trim out her window and put up the crown moulding. Then, on Sunday...we were going to make a TURKEY!!!

Honestly, after seeing everything in writing even I agree the list was a little ambitious. However, we SHOULD have been able to at least make a dent in it. Granted I had to work Friday, and sleep some (read most) of Saturday, but this was all a "honey-do" list anyway. As long as the TV was working (thus keeping the kids occupied) Elijah could have totally knocked out the major stuff while I was slumbering.

The first snag was that Amelia's beadboard needed to "cure" for at least 72 hours and we didn't open the packages until Friday night. The second snag was that Home Depot didn't have any of the pipes that we needed to finish Asher's wall shelf. The third snag was that Amelia was such a total, screamy, wreck all weekend that we were concerned about having her nap in the guest room because she doesn't sleep as well in her pack-n-play and we just couldn't take a chance that she'd be any grumpier than she'd already been. So that meant we couldn't trim or mould or do anything in her room unless she was awake.

Of all the tasks I hoped to complete this weekend, we only managed to accomplish two. Elijah put up two shelves in Asher's closet (that have yet to be painted) and we made a TURKEY!!!

Yes, Sunday dinner was super awesome this weekend. I love turkey. Elijah said it was the "best meal this side of Thanksgiving" and I couldn't have agreed more. We didn't go ALL OUT, but we did have mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, green bean casserole, rolls, and for dessert, homemade pumpkin pie. The meal was wonderful and we were all pretty stuffed so we held off a bit on the pumpkin pie.

After an hour or so we all headed downstairs to have dessert. I made the pies myself and still thought they looked and smelled great! I served everyone and we started in. After the first bite we all looked at each other wondering if everyone had tasted the same thing. Yep, there was definitely something missing. While you didn't really notice it unless you took a bite without the whipped cream, I had left out a very important ingredient...SUGAR!  I don't think I'll ever live that down. Then again, I don't think I'll ever have to make a pumpkin pie again either. (My dastardly plan worked.)

The boys laughed at me and I admit it was pretty funny to make a pie without sugar but, Amelia loved it and ate her whole entire piece. So there!