Monday, August 22, 2011

2nd Grade, 1st Day

Today was Asher's first day of Second Grade! He started his very last new school, I swear we're never moving again, I promise you, today.

As you can see, he looks picture perfect; totally ready to start this new year off right. In case you're wondering, yes he does have something on his shirt, and yes it IS the toothpaste mess that I watched him wipe off his face this morning in the bathroom. I only share this to prove to myself, and all my readers, that I am not OCD. An OCD mom would've made him change into another one of the six pre-matched outfits sitting on his dresser. Having two kids has seriously made me apathetic. Also, note the Christmas Tree doormat we're still rocking. Might as well wait four more months until it's back in season, right? You may laugh, but these are the things that make me think my life is in about needing a little perspective!

From his report, he had an alright day. He's convinced that the recesses are shorter at his new school and that he will be forever stuck playing on the "baby playground" where the only thing worthwhile are the swings. I told him to give it a full week before deciding that his life was over because seriously, I'm NEVER moving again.

I'll let you know how it goes...