Thursday, December 2, 2010

Everything's Magic

Note to self:

Next time you want to start a 782 page book, do it after you're settled into a home not before.

I really feel like I missed out on the "feeling" of this book because I had to read it in stolen moments of quietude. (Which is not something that has happened very often in the past few months.)

I loved the story and would recommend this as a perfect book to get anyone into the mood for next October. It's not particularly Halloweenish, but the cover is reminiscent of Poe's raven and the story is entirely about magic, a topic I find to be perfect for the beginning of fall.

Susanna Clarke has cleverly underwritten the story with footnotes and asides that make up an entire English history for magic. I was very impressed with her attention to detail as well as her commitment to her subject.

Don't let the size discourage you, it's an easy book to get into and a truly fascinating read.