Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pictures of You

Alright I admit it. Sometimes, I am less than perfect. Sometimes, I don't do things that I know I should simply because the very idea of it is exhausting. Case in point, last week's trip to Pryor.

We were there for five days and throughout that week I believe I pulled out the camera twice. Yes, twice...for a total of 18 pictures. And that isn't even the worst part of it.

Our trip happened to coincide with a very important birthday. Asher's great-great-great Aunt Mattie turned 100 on July 7th which meant that there was even more extended family around than usual. Some of these family members we haven't seen in over six years! Did I take the opportunity to click lasting memories of everyone together or did I leave my husband's ridiculously bulky and socially awkward camera in the car? Bet you can guess the answer to that.

Elijah was non too pleased when I got home with "No photographs!!? You were there for a week, how could you have NOT taken pictures? What were you doing? I cannot believe we didn't get a single shot of Asher and Mattie at her birthday celebration..." I'm sure he could have gone on had I not cut him off with my remarkably well thought out excuse reason.

You see, about four or five years ago I had requested a new SMALL camera that would fit in my purse or pocket so that I could take snapshots without the hassle of lugging around his monstrosity. (I mean seriously, it is damn near impossible to carry his camera around my neck while holding Amelia and trying to Asher from rolling around all over the floor EVERYWHERE WE GO!) I researched what cameras I was interested in and even found some that came in very cute colors. He went out to make the purchase and came back with a bulky Kodak that could barely fit in my hand much less my pocket. At this point I would like to point out that we don't even use that stupid camera any more.

The camera situation isn't a problem when we are all together, or even if Elijah takes the kids somewhere alone, although recently he has taken a lot of potentially awesome shots on his iPhone which I believe, aside from Facebook, does us no good. He is an excellent photographer and has a stash of various "artsy" cameras that he always has handy. He usually take the pictures while I wrangle the kids. It's a system that works perfectly as long as both of us are present. Unfortunately this last week he was absent and it shows on our memory card. I did get a few shots though, and since you took the time to wade through this verbose post, I will reward you with the best ones.