Monday, November 29, 2010

The Happiest Christmas Tree

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was filled with good friends, great food, and a lot of late night laughter. It was nice to have our very first set of holiday guests. Plus, I always prefer to have the food filled holidays at home; that way I get to eat all the leftovers!

As soon as our friends left, I was ready to jump into Christmas. Saturday we picked out the tree and set it up so we could decorate Sunday. We also worked on the outside lights but we still have so much more to do since we're in a bigger house now.

Yesterday was tree trimming complete with Chex Mix and my annual freak out about everyone ruining the Hallmark boxes so we won't be able to put the ornaments back after New Year's. All in all, it was a perfectly lovely evening.

Amelia's first candy cane tasting went over rather well.