Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Boys of Summer

Yes, it's true...that is Asher. And yes, my darling little boy is sporting what his father refers to as a "sweet mullet."

Asher is a boy who has always hated to get his hair cut. When he was younger we endured countless screaming sessions in the salon chair. And I'm not talking about the barber shop ones, I'm talking the cutesie made for kids with video games and movies salons. The entertainment (nor the price tag) didn't matter to him one bit, he was going to scream throughout the cut and I was going to have to shell out for the tip. One summer we bribed him. He was two years old and we were visiting family in Pryor, Oklahoma. His hair was becoming unmanageable so Elijah and I told him we'd buy him a little three wheeler if he'd sit still and be quiet for a haircut. He took the deal and his haircuts have been pretty much scream free since then.

The issue now, is that he just doesn't want to get it cut. He doesn't want to spend an hour in the afternoon watching a movie in a chair that just happens to not be in our living room. He gets away with this by telling me that he wants to grow his hair long. I'm a reasonable, practical mom that believes I should pick my battles, and I've decided that hair is not a battle I'm interested in fighting. However if he does want it long, he has to let me brush it, which is yet another thing that he would rather not do.

Earlier this year, he informed us that he would cut his hair this summer. For us that meant the last day of school, but for Asher that meant the ACTUAL first day of summer, June 21. Still, we were thrilled and Elijah offered his styling services. I'm sure based on the first picture most of you will add "you get what you pay for," but I encourage you to trust me when I say you'll be relieved by the following pictures.

Before - look at that shaggy do. To be honest, I was a little sad to see it go.

Elijah was far too eager for Asher's liking.

The first cut is often referred to as the commitment cut.

Mid-way photo break. He loves his sweet mullet.

It makes him so much tougher than his shaggy style.

Finishing up the job.

Finally, I can see those beautiful blue eyes again!

The finished product. See, I told you you'd be relieved.