Monday, June 21, 2010

Simply The Best

Yesterday we celebrated Elijah. My husband, the provider for our family, the father of my children, the man who makes us complete.

Every day I am grateful that I get to share this adventure with him. I couldn't have designed a better father for our children. He is so eager to teach our children about the things he loves and it's obvious that he really enjoys playing with them, on their level, which is something I often struggle with. He's the perfect playful and easy going compliment to my structured, less imaginative self. While I make sure the kids are physically provided for; packing snacks, clean clothes and extra diapers, he nurtures their childlike-ness: planing for water gun fights, insect and rock collecting, and otherwise providing opportunities for them to play and interact more wholly with the world around them. He is a loving, patient man with a good heart who has always been thoughtful and wise about his choices in life. I'm so thankful that he chose (at 19 years of age!) to spend that life with me.