Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Home Sweet Oklahoma

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Ours was a little chaotic, but still nice. We headed back to Oklahoma City last Wednesday to clean up and close out our Oklahoma home. We had been planning on closing this past Friday but there were some problems with the broker/lender/buyer/whatever so we signed an extension and will hopefully be closing on June 11th. I will be so relieved when this is behind us. Living in two houses (at lest mentally) is exhausting!

I am a control freak and I really struggle when things don't turn out the way I'd planned. The "visit to Oklahoma" portion of this weekend made me a complete wreck, but I'm trying to accept the things I cannot change blah, blah, blah. There was absolutely nothing I could do to make the deal go through as planned, so I tried my best to enjoy the weekend by visiting old friends and reconnecting with family. We were home by Saturday afternoon and spent the rest of the weekend recovering from the late night visiting and the long drive.

I was glad to get back to Texas. I've grown fond of our new home and neighborhood. In fact, as soon as we pulled the truck in we had a neighbor over helping us unload. We spent Sunday evening at a neighborhood BBQ and Asher spent the remainder of the weekend with friends both at the pool and on our block. As much as I loved our Oklahoma years, I am so glad we moved. This new place is a perfect fit for us.