Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I never did post anything about our anniversary dinner. We finally found an actual, real live babysitter (courtesy of a dear friend), so we decided to try a new restaurant. We've only been out a handful of times since we moved to the area and so we're anxious to find our new "go-to" dinner date places. Elijah asked around at work and got a recommendation for Truluck's. It's more of a seafood place, but since Elijah loves seafood and I NEVER cook fish; I decided I'd give it a shot for his sake. I'm nice like that.

We had a such a good time. Aside from having three full kid free hours alone, the food was excellent. We started out with the chevre plate (try not to throw up in your mouth, Kathryn) and I'm telling you, I could have eaten only that and been completely satisfied with the meal. It really was that good. Our meals were delicious, the service was excellent, they even served us an special anniversary cupcake dessert.

I'm running out of ways to describe the superb-y-ness of the evening so I'll just stop here.