Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Water You Doing New Year's Eve?

Be prepared, most of this week's posts are going to be about New Year's resolution-y things. Sort of mundane, I know, but look through the archives, most (read all) of my posts are pretty self-involved and mundane. I am writing this for me after all, I just let you read it.

I decided that I wanted to start this year off by drinking only water* during January. I got the idea from this post on Young House Love. The idea is a little buried at the bottom of the post, but it really stuck out for me. I figured after all the hard partying we do over the winter holidays, it's important to give the ol' liver and kidneys a rest. Plus it's super beneficial for our new and improved, petite sized, budget.

Elijah is a trooper and has decided to do this with me which is a relief as it's always easier to abstain if your better half isn't sucking down your portion of the liquor. This does mean that we'll be in the middle of our self imposed prohibition on his birthday, but we can make up for it on Valentine's Day.

*Coffee is mostly water so it made the cut, but aside from that there are no exceptions. Elijah tried to make the case for beer being mostly water as well, but that sort of defeats the entire purpose of the liver cleanse.