Friday, January 21, 2011

Dirty Little Secret

"A place for everything, and everything in it's place."

That's totally how I live my life and run my house. At this time, we don't have much by way of decor, but as you can see the house is spotless and minimal...just how I like it.

Living room.

Living room from the stairs.


(the shelves haven't been put up yet, which is why her toys are a little scattered)

Amelia's Room

Asher's room

How is it possible? How can I have two kids and a husband who refuses to throw anything out and still maintain a minimalist household? Jealous? Want to know my secret? It's fantastic...and oh so creative. Well actually it's simply that we bought a house that has a walk-in closet in EVERY ROOM. So there you have it, my house looks fantastic but holds more than a few dirty little secrets.

Hall Closet

Guest Closet

Guest Closet

Guest Closet

Asher's Closet - Part 1

Asher's Closet - Part 2

Amelia's Closet

Amelia's Closet
(Elijah wanted to keep the air compressor here for
when we put up the beadboard in her room)

Clearing out the closet clutter is clearly on my "to-do" list this year. I'm already working on the playroom closet, which didn't make this list because it's almost completely cleaned out. I can't help but think that if all of this stuff has been sitting in boxes since we moved from Oklahoma, almost a year ago, do we really need any of it? Can't I just load all this stuff up and take it to Goodwill for them to sort out? It's tempting, but I'm afraid Elijah would never forgive me and a week after I took everything out Asher would be looking for that one picture I drew that has that guy with the swords on it fighting that other guy with two heads...from kindergarten...remember? Where is it? Where??? Ugh.