Thursday, January 13, 2011

Best Year Yet

Here's a list of things, written to my 2010 self, that I believe will help make 2011 my best year yet. (The assignment called for 20 but I only made it to 17, that was overwhelming enough for me!)
  1. Laugh more, especially at your family's lamest of jokes.
  2. Say yes more often than no. Or at least consider saying yes. Or at least wait a few moments before immediately jumping to no.
  3. Give people the benefit of the doubt; especially the people you love.
  4. Clean your own house. Really. Seriously. Like, even the toilets. Something about pride of ownership blah, blah, blah...mostly it'll just save you money and help us make our 2011 financial goals.
  5. Make time for dates with Elijah, at least once a month. Alone. Without the kids.
  6. Do something for yourself. You deserve the occasional hair cut, caramel macchiato, pedicure, new outfit, etc.
  7. Let it be. So Asher insists on wearing his clothes backwards on every self appointed "backwards Thursday" - let it be. So Amelia insists on watching Elmo in Grouchland on a seemingly continuous loop - let it be. So Elijah snores, making it impossible to sleep - put in your earplugs and let it be. None of these things are actually causing any lasting damage and you're spending far too much time snipping at your family for EVERY LITTLE THING. Just let it be.
  8. Try for a little spontaneity. Start slowly. Take a different way home. Make a last minute decision to eat out, or just take the kids to the park. Joy comes from unlikely places so be available to be in some unlikely places every now and again.
  9. Drive the shitbox, uh, Trooper. At least try to make it through the year. Don't saddle yourself with another expense, not when you have a perfectly good shitbox, uh, vehicle to drive.
  10. Family vacation? Make it happen. No excuses. Take your wonderful family out together and make some memories dammit!
  11. Reconnect. You have several relationships that need tending, relationships that are important, but have been neglected due to the chaos and commotion of the past year or so. Reconnect, it can only bring you more joy.
  12. Be thankful, and teach your children how to be thankful as well. You could start with writing those overdue thank you notes from Christmas.
  13. Enjoy your career. You love nursing; find a way to love your "job" as well. Focus on furthering your education.
  14. Eat kinder. You've always talked about shopping at your local farmer's market. Well go do it. You have an amazing one close-by. Find your free-range chicken and organic eggs. You'll enjoy your family dinners more knowing your supporting your local farmers.
  15. Allow silence. Especially during important conversations. Not everyone thinks as quickly as you do. Give people a chance to process their thoughts and emotions before continuing to barrage them with your vitriol. More often than not you're jumping to conclusions.
  16. Enjoy your babies and keep them close. Allow yourself space but don't continuously keep them at a distance. Sit on the couch and watch more Phineas and Ferb, play squish face with Amelia, and try to find a way to enjoy the Wii. Get off of the computer, phone, etc and get on the floor with your kids.
  17. Cook beautiful food. You have all these wonderful cookbooks so use them. Even if only once a month. Make a meal that makes you proud (and then brag about it on your blog!)

This post is written in response to a prompt from:

Mama's Losin' It