Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday I'm In Love

It occurred to me to start a link list of things I've discovered (and am currently coveting) through my online adventures. I won't commit to doing this every week (I'm already over committed as it is!), but I'll try to do it often enough to make it seem like a real thing.

Here goes my first ever Friday I'm in love list:

I will own this adorable cupcake jar from In A Glaze as soon as I find the perfect hutch for it to call home.

I have wanted to order something, ANYTHING, from Sarah + Abraham and just haven't gotten around to it. I love their line of family silhouettes...maybe I'll use them for Christmas cards.

The Outer Banks Trading Group has the perfect photo for my downstairs powder room. Elijah and I met in Monterey which makes this all the more fitting for our home. My only hesitation is the $72 price tag.

Every Christmas I buy matching pajamas for our family. Yes, I am THAT mother. The Company Store has all of their family pajamas on sale and they are ridiculously cheap. I will probably buy them early just to save a little on our Christmas budget.