Monday, March 21, 2011

Spontaneity Becomes Us

Seeing as we all spent pretty much the entirety of Spring Break in our pajamas, on the couch, glued to one type of screen or another, I declared yesterday "screen free" for all the Ogden clan.

We hadn't planned any activities (aside from the weekly vacuuming), so we shut off the TVs, computers, iPad, iPhones, and gaming systems and stared at each other until we came up with the brilliant idea to climb into the car.

Everyone got to pick a place to go. I wanted to stop in at this great little consignment store we have nearby, Elijah wanted to stop at a local nursery and pick up something for the front yard and Asher decided that he and Amelia wanted to go to the park. So that's just what we did.

And it was so totally awesome.

Especially the part where we stopped for frozen yogurt before heading home for dinner!