Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day Earthlings!

Asher told me that he'd like to spend this year's Earth Day at a park picking up and recycling trash.  I'm not exactly sure how to go about searching for a dirty park, so we may just settle for playing at a clean one.

Either way, I wanted to leave you guys with some pretty pictures of the newly planted nature in our front yard. It's nothing spectacular, but it adds color and I actually helped with the planting. Seriously...I got my hands dirty rather than just sitting in my lawn chair, drinking beer and barking out orders. My how grown up I've become.

This type of work takes a lot of helpers so we were glad when Asher was willing to let us wheel him around while he ate his popsicle.

Seriously though, Asher was very helpful. He was most excited about spreading the fertilizer though, even after we explained to him what fertilizer actually was. Boys...yick!

Even though we were only planting a little patch, it took a lot of adorable muscle to get everything done. Thank goodness both are plentiful at my house!

I swear I helped! This picture was taken before the dirtying of the hands. Fact: Beer must be consumed before germy dirt is handled.

Almost done! The placement is all me people, all me!

And the final shot...well had I been a good blogger I would've gotten a final shot. Oh well, it looks good from the me.

Happy Earth Day!