Monday, April 25, 2011

Thank You Easter Bunny!

Remember that commercial? In case you don't, I've linked it. Wasn't it super awesome?!

After the egg hunt, I spent far too long trying to get my kids to stand with their baskets and say "Thank You Easter Bunny!" They totally didn't get it. They had no frame of reference for my request. And since we did the egg hunt in the front yard rather than the back (due to the fact that there were FOUR DOGS at my house and there was NO WAY I was hiding edible goodies in their bathroom) the neighbors got a good crazy lady show as well. Good fun.

There are thirteen pictures people! Thirteen pictures of the EXACT SAME POSE! We sat in the front yard trying over and over to get at least one good shot. The gods of photography did not smile on us, as you can see.

Oh well, I only have about 160 more photos of the holiday. I may do a photo link later this week because some of them are adorable and otherwise what's the point of taking 175 pictures of your kids in a 40 minute span if you aren't going to upload it for others to see? Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.