Thursday, April 7, 2011

Knowing Me, Knowing You

"If you really knew me, you would know that..."

Loaded prompt this week eh? I figured I'd compile a list of the things those closest to me should/do know, some of the answers will be provided so that you can get to know me a little better as well. Some of the answers will not be provided...yet...or ever...or only if I get really drunk one night and find myself at my blogger dashboard.

Alright, here goes nothing.

If you really knew me, you would know that...

  1. Grande Caramel Macchiato w/whipped.
  2. Besides my Associates Degree in Nursing, I also hold an Associates in Russian. Those who know me, know how I got it. Those who really know me, know that I'm terribly disappointed to be in my 30's and still not have that elusive Bachelor's Degree.
  3. Sometimes I have a beer in the 8 o'clock in the morning. Of course on those days it's because I'm just getting home from work and sometimes, after twelve plus hours on a Med/Surg floor, you need a shower AND a beer at the exact same time.
  4. I almost always order the same thing at Mexican restaurants: cheese enchiladas w/verde sauce, rice and refried beans. I say almost because occasionally I think I should change things up, order something else, then sulk through the entire meal. If you really knew me, you would always try to talk me out of ordering anything besides my usual dish.
  5. On first invitation, for anything, I will most likely say no. It doesn't mean I don't want to make plans or that I don't want to do what was suggested. It's just that my first instinct is to say no. I'm not interested in doing/learning/being/trying anything new, thank you very much. I'm trying to train myself to say "let me think about that" but the people who know me best know better than to accept my first no. They expect that I'll soon warm up to the idea, I just need a little extra time to ruminate. 
  6. Jif (creamy) is the only peanut butter in the world. Period. Don't even try to convince me that any other kind of peanut butter exists and don't you dare attempt to bring them into my house.
  7. There is one elective surgery I'm very interested in shelling out my hard earned money for.
  8. I rarely splurge, but if I do, it's usually on bags. And people who are close to me know that Kate Spade is my favorite. To me, her designs are simple, elegant, classic and timeless.
So there you have it. A few things about me that most people don't know about me. How many of them were a surprise and how many were common knowledge for you?
    Written in response to a prompt from:
      Mama’s Losin’ It