Monday, April 18, 2011

That New Car Smell

We're looking for a new car. Sort of. Not really. But kind of.

I'm the one that started the conversation/search. I think driving our 1994 Isuzu Trooper (which I have nicknamed "shitbox") is getting to me. Plus, there are some things that need to be done to it that Elijah isn't too keen on doing. I guess since he spends all day working on other people's cars, he doesn't really feel like taking our cars apart on his days off. I get it, but really, is there any other reason to become a mechanic? The whole point is so we can drive that stupid shitbox until it CANNOT BE FIXED by anyone...right? I do understand though, it's not like I want to take care of sick people on my days off...although that job does fall to me.

Either way I really wanted to get through the next few years without car payments. Our other car, a 2003 BMW 325i, is paid off as well and it's really nice not sending off all our fun money to the car people. I'm struggling with this decision. I think I should just wait until the shitbox dies completely and then look into getting something new, but I am so very vain. And to be perfectly honest, we do need more room, in a more reliable vehicle. Especially as the kids get older and we start planning road trips. It's nerve racking driving a car that you're not too sure is going to take you all the way to your destination.

I'd love an X5. But sadly, I'm a realist and refuse to pay for an X5. I would buy a used one, but since my husband is a BMW mechanic and knows what goes wrong and when, he's not to excited about getting something he may have to work on. He wants us to buy new. Who has ever heard of a mechanic wanting a new car?!!! Seriously, somebody help me understand!

Anyway, I've had two glasses of wine and know that I am rambling so I'll get to the point because I'm pretty sure I had one. We're looking at a few SUVs that have third row seating. Namely, the Nissan Pathfinder, Honda Pilot and Mazda CX-9. I guess we'll drive them and decide what to do. I'm so not excited about this...yet I do love that new car smell.